Music Expert: Vocal Coach

Every artist needs a good team to thrive. One of the key components of this team is the vocal coach. The voice is a delicate instrument which needs to be developed. This is where vocal coaches come into play. Vocal coaches nurture and train voices of singers, to raise them Read more…

Performance Royalties- What are they?

Our third installment in our royalty series discusses performance royalties. While similar to mechanical royalties, performance royalties have slightly different requirements in order to be paid out.  So, what are performance royalties? A performance royalty must be paid out whenever a public space plays or performs a song. The term Read more…

What are music royalties?

Royalty payments Royalties are payments made out to the owner– typically an individual or a company– of any entity. Actors, directors, and musicians all receive specific types of royalties. All in all, royalties are a means of compensation for any owner who has licensed out their work to a third Read more…

What are PROs?

Royalties are extremely important to any Artist seeking to earn income. In order to receive your royalties as an artist, you must register with a Performing Rights Organization. But, what exactly do these organizations do? And how do you choose which Performing Rights Organization is best for you? We discuss Read more…

The Rise in Indie Artists

Obtaining a record deal was a dream for many artists. Artists would sign these contracts unlocking all the resources the label had at their disposal. For many years, record labels were the only option for artists who wanted to put their music out into the world. With the many controversial Read more…

What are record labels?

Record labels have been the obvious option for an artist seeking to grow. But many are naive as to what happens when signing a contract with a label. We explain what they do and why signing a contract may not be in your best interest yet. What does a label Read more…